
Archive for May, 2006

New For-Profit Schools

May 29, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The Dallas Morning News reports on a guy that has raised 50 million bucks so far and wants to create some for-proft schools.

Study On Students Who Got Science Degrees

May 29, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: College, Uncategorized

The University of Virgina has a press release of a new survey where they analyzed data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study. The study says that out of the 3,359 eight grade students back in 1998 in the National Educational Longitudinal Study that had an interest in science had only average math scores and only 34% got a college degree in science or engineering. The people behind the study want more emphasis in science in the early grade levels.

Kalamazoo Promiss Article

May 29, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: College, Uncategorized

The Washington Post has up an article on the Kalamazoo Promiss program that gives money to students who graduate from high school to pay for college tuition. The article stated that last year in the November to February time period 265 students dropped out. This year in the same time period the number was only 21.

Ending Builingual Program Was A No-no

May 25, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The Boston Globe reports that after the state of Massachusetts ended statewide bilingual education three years ago that students are not good enough to survive in a regular classroom according to a new study.

Hiring High School Graduates

May 25, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The Philidelphia Inquirer reports that the Philadelphia School Reform Commission has an agreement with local union leaders to hire Philiadelphia high school graduates in such jobs as plumbers, electricians, and carpenters to work on local projects.

Hybrid Progam For Students

May 25, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

Philidelphia Inquirer reports that the interim school superintendent in the Cherry Hill area wants to move to a hybrid version of the IB program.