The Education Week People….
report on a new California Law that makes it easier for struggling schools to gte money so they can make repairs to schools.
report on a new California Law that makes it easier for struggling schools to gte money so they can make repairs to schools.
This studio was created with a 120,000 grant to help give at risk students who might drop out something to do. Students who get accepted in the class go three days a week for two hours after school.
They also have up two musical selections which are not bad at all.
Earlier this year I reported on a Detroit News piece on another after school music program with Quincy Jones.
The Christian Science Monitor reports on the 2003 national teacher of the year who left an affluent school to go to Jefferson County’s poorest school.
thanks to a new TV show called “Tsehai Loves Learning.”
on a 28% rise in magnet school applications in the local area.
on high school students that are pared up with college students to help them with college applications, college life and career guidance.