
Archive for December, 2011

Education News For December 30, 2011

December 30, 2011 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The Detroit News Reports on people in Michigan feeling the strain of college costs.

The AP reports on an NY pill that would require nurses to have a four year degree to get a job in a hospital.

The LA Times reports on USC pursing an aggressive fundraising effort despite hard times in the economy.

They also report on Gov. Jerry Brown saying that he will increase education funding.

The LA Times reports on a Mandarin immersion program flourishing at an L.A. school.

Education News For December 28, 2011…

December 30, 2011 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times reports on Northeastern University that is branching out to have more campuses in other states.

Reuters reports on middle-aged borrowers piling on student debt at record rates.

The Miami Herald reports on Broward and Miami-Dade that could face big fines over class size.

Education News For December 27, 2011….

December 27, 2011 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The Sacramento Bee reports on Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg who wopuld like to see free digital books for college students.

The Detroit News has an article on colleges asking more creative question on college applications.

The LA Times reports on welder Lisa Legohn who is now in her 28th year of teaching.

The Philadelphia Inquirer has an interview up with New Jersey’s acting education commissioner Christopher Cerf.

The Indy Star reports on Jon Bannon who is a science teacher at Creekside Middle School in Carmel that keep kids interested through unusual activities and projects.

December 21, 2011 Education News

December 21, 2011 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The USA Today has an article up looking a new NBER study looking mainly at the University of Oregon and GPA. They found that males have lower GPA’s the more the football team won.

The New York Times reports on more schools in Georgia that have been accused of cheating.

The Education Week reports on more school districts sending home teachers into students’ homes.

The Baltimore Sun reports on the Carnegie Hall and the Royal Conservatory working together on a project that aims for national standards in music education
Carnegie Hall, Royal Conservatory.

The Detroit News reports on Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder saying that his next budget proposal likely won’t include further cuts to public schools and universities.

Education News For December 19, 2011…

December 19, 2011 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The NBER has a new report out that says that math teachers that have gone through the Boston Teacher Residency program are better teachers five years out than teachers that did not go through the program.

The NY Times reports on M.I.T increasing the amount of free courses.

The Miami Herald reports on the State Board of Education that gives the OKs to a tougher FCAT grading system.

The Des Moines Register reports that the Suspension rate remains high for blacks in Des Moines schools.

The Sacramento Bee reports on rural school districts that have been hit hard by transportation cuts.

Education News For December 13, 2011

December 15, 2011 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The Center on Education Policy is out with a new report saying that 48% of schools in the USA are not meeting AYP goals. It was 39% last year.

The LA times reports on UC Berkeley to offer financial aid to more middle-income families.

They also report on a judge that rejects a claim that the Cal State tuition hike was illegal.