
Archive for October, 2008

Consortium on Chicago School Research….

October 31, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

out with a new report looking at ACT scores in the local school district. The report looks at other tests these students take in earlier grade levels and finds how well they could do on the ACT exam.

Only Students who exceed standards on the ISAT in the eighth grade have an 62% shot of getting over a 20 on the ACT exam. Students he score at least 17 point the Explore exam have a good shot of getting over 20 points on the ACT exam.

Sanders-Clyde Elementary School Article…

October 31, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times looks at this school that is under investigation for having test scores that seem to be too high.

The AP Reports On Florida….

October 31, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

community colleges that are backing Amendment 8 which it would authorize counties whose community colleges are seeking additional funds to submit a sales tax referendum to voters.

D.C. Council Members Have Grilled….

October 31, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee over her budget. She wants to shuffle 100 million bucks in school funding.

New Guidelines For School Principals In Tennessee….

October 31, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

will force them to be among the top teachers in their schools in order to meet rigorous leadership requirements.

Kids’ Place After School Program Article…

October 31, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The Post Dispatch reports on this after school program that has grown from one hour a week to 12 hours a week focusing on literacy, arts and crafts time and special activities such as poetry slams and a recent mock election. The budget has also grown 100 times since the start of it as well.