
Archive for February, 2008

Texas Educator Excellence Grant Program Report Is Out…

February 29, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

In the look at the first year of this merit pay program for teacher the new study found mixed results for teachers. The report found that teachers in this program did not really change teaching methods, but 70% of them had a “strong desire” to earn a bonus..

Massive turnover of schools in the program is bad. Around 60 percent of teachers in the program did say that the program did a good job of distinguishing effective teachers from ineffective teachers at their school.

The report includes a whole lot of other data.

New Report On Massachusetts High School Students…

February 29, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

finds that 37% of them are not even ready for college. The report also said that African American students, Hispanic students and low-income students are more likely to go to community college. The report also stated that 65 percent of students enrolled in a community college took at least one remedial course, as did 22 percent of students at state colleges and 8 percent of students at state university campuses.

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo Is….

February 29, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

now looking at weather colleges got unethical fees from vendors in order to get the rights to sell stuff as textbooks and food items.

The Sacramento Bee Reports On School Districts….

February 29, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

in the state with squeezed budgets.

State Senators In Kentucky…..

February 29, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

are getting testy on discussions over what changes are to be made to the CATS exam. Lawmakers are looking at junking that exam for other multiple choice exams. The change would save 10 million bucks a year.

Parents And Educators At A Houston Hearing…

February 29, 2008 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

say that the state needs to take out some pain of taking the TAKS exam.