
Archive for November, 2007

Short Policy Studies Report….

November 30, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

is out on after school programs. The report looked at 35 after school programs that were free and was around four to five days a week. Over 2,900 students were looked at, but only students in elementary and middle school grade levels got looked at for this study.

They put students into three groups. Low supervision students dropped in sporadically on a mix of sports, school-based activities, and academic, arts, or religious lessons. Program only students participated in one of the high-quality afterschool programs. Program plus students participated in other activities (organized sports, church, Boys and Girls Club, etc.) along with the one of the high-quality afterschool programs.

The finding they came up with showed that students who were either in Program only or Program plus in both elementary and middle school grade levels had solid increases in math scores over the low supervision students. Middle school students who were Program only or Program plus also had less misconduct problems.

US News & World Report Lists…

November 30, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

the top high schools in the USA. 100 got a gold medal, 405 got a silver, and 1086 got a bronze medal.

They look at Thomas Jefferson High School with an article and video. Each class at the school is an Honors class.

They have other related links as well looking at other schools that made the list.

Gov. Jon S. Corzine Of New Jersey…

November 30, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

is set to change school aid in the state. He wants to give 400 million extra bucks to poor and disadvantaged children who live outside traditional inner-city school districts.

Troy Athens High School Article…

November 30, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The Detroit News looks at students in this school that are in a forensics science class.

Dallas School Trustees Have….

November 30, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

approved a plan that would reward successful teachers in 59 select schools a bonus of 10,000 bucks.

400 Educators In Connecuciut…

November 30, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

went to an education summit in order to discuss the reading gap that persists in the state.