
Archive for the ‘Texbooks’

Lack Of Knowledge, Few Choices, And Poor Marketing….

January 23, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: College, Texbooks, Uncategorized

are to blame for the slow start of E-textbooks for college students.  An E-textbook can cost 40-50% less than a regular paper version.

The article says that publishers and book store operators think including videos with an E-textbook will sell more books.  I would love to see that.

The Sacramento Bee Reports On….

December 18, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: Texbooks, Uncategorized

the high cost of college textbooks. One student in the article is stuck with a $165 dollar textbook the college bookstore does not want.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants…..

December 01, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: Texbooks, Uncategorized

more public school data such as school population, textbooks used, test scores out on a website for the people to see.

The PBS Show NOW…..

November 25, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: Texbooks, Uncategorized

had a report last night on Lafayette Academy Charter School. It has opened up this year in the New Orleans area where 60% of the schools that have re-opened are now charter schools. Some of the schools in the area are still to damaged to be opened.

The report looked at what they had to do get the school opened. The school had trouble getting enough textbooks in some subjects.

The full show is online to look at along with another almost 10 minute online exclusive video on third grade student D’Mar and his grandmother.

The LA Times Reports….

November 08, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: Texbooks, Uncategorized

on the high cost of college textbooks. This article is mainly on two college students and what they have done to lower the cost of buying a college textbook.

Freeload Press Article…..

October 12, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: College, Texbooks, Uncategorized

The Christian Science Monitor reports on the ad-filled but free to download college textbooks.