
Archive for the ‘Texbooks’

Kenneth S. Saladin Wirites..

August 16, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Texbooks, Uncategorized

in the Atlanta Journal Constitution why the college textbook “Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function” that he wrote costs so much.

You can find a fourth edition of his textbook from for around 150 bucks.

I will say that medical textbooks are always going to wind up costing more than say an economics textbook or English textbook. They can take a long time to write and create and in Kenneth’s case expensive to first create for the graphics alone. Where you can create no-frills books, do.

The AP Has A New Report….

August 09, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Texbooks

out on college textbook prices. The article interviews two students. Bruce Hildebrand who works for the New York-based Association of American Publishers says that a best seller, which only a few are, has a run of only 40,000.

The Tennessean Reports…

July 17, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Texbooks, Uncategorized

on new state laws that force college professors to submit what college books they are going to use next semester in a timely manner and that they be listed on the institutes website. The article states that freshman entering college in the state will usually pay from 800 to 1500 bucks for textbooks this year.

A federal Advisory Committee….

May 31, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Texbooks, Uncategorized

wants an overhaul of the college textbook industry. Report from committee on Friday.

Laurel Moore Article….

May 24, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Texbooks, Uncategorized

A fifth grade teacher is concerned that too many important people have been left out of the history textbook “History Alive! America’s Past” that is going to be used next year. People like Patrick Henry and Harriet Beecher Stowe missing. “Give me liberty or give me death” and the Trail of Tears is also missing.

Bert Bower who produced the book says that the missing is available through websites.

I am going to have to side with the teacher on this one. I do not want to see compromised textbooks, but I also do not want to see a teacher use 100% of a textbook and nothing else.

The New York Times Report…

May 04, 2007 By: richard.ginn Category: Texbooks, Uncategorized

on school districts across the USA that are going to be dropping the use of laptops in the classroom. Some are seeing no progress in student scores while other are seeing too many broken laptops.