
USAToday Has Three Articles Up…..

August 31, 2006 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

on colleges.

One article is saying that college tuition increases are moderating.  They looked at 75 schools over 50 states and saw a 6.4% avergae increase.

Another article is saying that financial aid is not keeping up with the pace of tuition and fees.  USAToday got data back from 65 colleges.  Average aid went up 1,000 over last year, but average tuition and fees went up 1,465.

The final article they have is asking if out-of-state students are crowding in-state schools.  Out-of-state population in colleges has gone up around 7% since 1996 says tha article.  The article also states that the amount of high school graduates is going to drop soon according to projections from theWestern Interstate Commission for Higher Education