
Education News For June 22, 2011..

June 22, 2011 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The USA Today has an article up looking at a new study that says the reading ans science part of the ACT exam does nothing to predict how well a student will do in college.

The New York Times reports that 46 out of the 70 high schools that the city says gets an A rating have over 50% of those students going to a CUNY schools that needs remedial classes.

The Chicago Tribune reports on teachers picketing a board meeting over denial of raises.

The Detroit News reports on the sweeping overhaul set for ailing Michigan schools. A video is included.

The Baltimore Sun reports on petitioners hitting the streets to stop tuition breaks for illegal immigrants.

The Sacramento Bee reports on small schools in the school district showing off big success.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports on a Grant program to encourage new methods of teacher evaluation.