
Education Articles For May 5, 2011…

May 05, 2011 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The USA Today has a new article up on an Inquiry sought into D.C. test scores.

The Detroit News reports on Ex-GM exec Roy S. Roberts that is ‘excited’ to take over DPS.

The Indy Star reports on 10,000 ISTEP scores that are going to be looked at due to a computer glitch.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports on two Pennsylvania school districts that are weighing a four-day week.

The AP reports that the Providence School Board has voted to rehire nearly 1,500 of the city’s teachers who were sent termination notices earlier this year.

The Hartford Courant reports on the Connecticut Accountability for Learning Initiative program that is boosting state test score in reading.

The Chicago Tribune has an article up on a shared grant that helps five schools prepare special education teachers.

The Tennessean report on TN lottery’s HOPE scholarships that could be expanded to summer tuition.