
Higher Education Articles For April 13, 2011….

April 13, 2011 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The AP reports on college students and faculty in California and other states on Wednesday that have planned to protest state budget cuts to higher education that could lead to higher tuition, larger class sizes and lower enrollment.

The Times Picayune reports on the Teach for America program that may still land federal financing.

The Herald Leader reports on the U of L president to ask for 6 percent tuition hike.

The New York Times reports on the Maryland bill that gives lower tuition to illegal immigrants going to the Gov. for signing.

The Chicago Tribune reports on Chicago State University that is a financial mess says an audit.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports on pay for college professors that has dropped for two years in a row.

The Star Tribune reports on a budget deal preserves college funding rules.