
College Related Articles For June 26, 2009….

June 26, 2009 By: richard.ginn Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times reports on high school students in certain area are thinking more about going to college as more factories close up.

The AP reports on students that are going back home to go to college just to save on costs.

The Kansas City Star reports on the University system that is going to be raising tuition from around 4-8.5%.

The Chicago Tribune reports on the University of Illinois Law School. The article says an unqualified student could get into the law school if in return five students got jobs.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports on 30 area colleges that are going to offer military veterans free tuition.

They also report on Camden County College that is offing associate degrees on the weekends.

The Miami Herald reports on FIU dumping the cheerleading squad.

The Salt Lake Tribune teports on the increase in student loan volume that is taxing the state.

The Tennessean reports on for profit colleges in the state that will up not having to pay fines.