
A Boat load Of College Related Articles Are Out…

April 06, 2009 By: richard.ginn Category: Student Loan Mess, Uncategorized

over the weekend.

The Houston Chronicle looks at Hispanic students in the state that are the least likely in the state to go onto college

The New York Times With a great read on colleges taking a more realistic look at home equity’s role in the financial aid equation.

The AP reports on NYU being the next college to mistakenly send out an email to students to say they have been accepted.

The Boston Globe reports on Harvard’s astronomy and astrophysics program that is getting lowered graduation requirements in order to attract more students.

The Boston Globe also reports on Northeastern University that is reexamining its identity.

The Des Moines Register reports on community college in the state seeing major growth in online classes.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports on Ohio State that is going to be moving over to semesters from quarters in 2012.