Daemen College Is The Latest….
college going the dual-admissions route in order to create nurses.
college going the dual-admissions route in order to create nurses.
on the nursing shortfall in Michigan. A report from the state says that thousands of students are waiting to get into programs.
One idea was to let the state pay for the nursing degrees. Another controversial solution to fix the problem was to offer bachelor degrees at community colleges. I do not find that idea controversial at all, the main questions to be answered are if the the community colleges have enough classrooms and if they have a good amount of teachers to teach the final two years of the degree.
up with Benedictine University so that students can get a bachelors degree in nursing at a much lower cost.
are a concern in some Minnesota school districts and has caused some school nurse cuts in the past says this Pioneer Press Article. The articled states that the proper amount of nurses for a school is one nurse for every 750 students in a school. They graphic they show certainly does not show school districts meeting that goal.
leave school each week to work for an hour or so at a hospital or clinic in Clayton County. Students in this special class can become a certified nursing assistant if they pass an exam.
school nurse in every single school. The article states that some schools only have health aids in the school and that the secretary is the one that gives out medication to students on a daily basis.
The Virginia Association of School Nurses would like to see one nurse for every 750 kids in a school, but the state average is 1,457 students per nurse.