The Miami Herald Reports..
on Pulkit Agrawal who is going to attend Children’s Climate Forum Copenhagen 2009.
on Pulkit Agrawal who is going to attend Children’s Climate Forum Copenhagen 2009.
on the state lowering the dropout rate.
college students that major in math do not become a classroom plus.
The New York Times reports on Robert Bowman who has been denied again by a panel of five New York judges due to the amount of debt he has in order to take the NY BAR exam.
The Houston Chronicle reports on the University of Houston adding in a Liberal Arts degree.
The Baltimore Sun reports on Maryland that is going to be redesigning a bunch of college classes.
The Sacramento Bee reports on $10 million in stimulus money getting more students to Los Rios colleges.
The AP reports on McNally Smith College of Music that has a hip=hop studies program.
The AP reports on college campuses that are expanding counseling.
The AP reports on the Illinois Student Assistance Commission that is offering a savings through Monday on the pre-paid tuition plan they have.
On rural schools in Alaska fighting off extinction. A video is included.
They also report on the Mayor saying student scores will factor into teacher tenure.
They also have an article up on parents that are raising money in order to help fund longer classroom days.
on cash-strapped Minnesota districts put together a patchwork of staffing in order to meet school nursing needs.