High School Students All Across North Carolina….
are taking a sports and entertainment marketing course. They have two levels that you can take. Students in the class use a computer program to help run a fake team/stadium.
are taking a sports and entertainment marketing course. They have two levels that you can take. Students in the class use a computer program to help run a fake team/stadium.
this week is up from the New York Times. This article says that the prekindergarten class has more white students than Asian-Americans. The article includes an audio piece with English subtitling.
in the Broward County area do not meet state rules for classroom size. The school district has spent over 500 million bucks so far to meet rules.
the amount of students that move onto the next grade level eventhough they fail the TAKS exam varries greatly from school district to school district.
The article says that the Austin ISD moved 90% of fifth graders to the next grade level who could not pass the math exam after many tries, but the Georgetown school district which is only 20 minutes away did the same to only 20% of students.
have a video report up on weather graduates are ready for the workforce. They cited a study that got respondents from 400 employeers and they said 53% og high school grads lack proper math skills and 72% lacked proper English skills.
from the Washingtin Post. They program gets low-income student with average grades into AP classes.